Los Angeles Home Staging – Staging a Pasadena Rental
Do smart landlords and property managers hire a home stager to stage Los Angeles rentals?
Yes, because they understand the value of having a beautiful guest house, apartment, condo or townhouse to show prospective tenants. It works the same way as home staging when selling a home. The better the rental looks, the more tenants you will have to choose from. Nicer people want and will be attracted to a nicer place to live. It’s that simple.

Pasadena house after home staging
Being a smart landlord, and being a professional home stager myself, I staged my Pasadena guest house for lease. As a home stager, I know the power of beautiful pictures that show off all the charm of a home on the market, whether for sale or for lease. My Pasadena guest house is in a very desirable SW Pasadena location near Huntington Hospital and is tucked away in a corner of the backyard. I want to make sure I get the best possible tenants, and I am doing what I can to attract someone great.
I decided to do a vacant home staging for my guest house and put furniture in it for showing and photography. It’s available for short term lease, furnished or unfurnished. I staged it the last time it was vacant and we got a wonderful tenant who relocated from Seattle while working for a local HMO on a 1 year contract.
If you know anyone who might be interested in leasing this very groovy 800 sq. ft. guest house (1 bedroom/1 bathroom) furnished or unfurnished, in a very desirable Pasadena neighborhood, please let me know. Its available now, and we’re asking $1,750/month, including gas, electricity & water. It is air conditioned, has a newer refrigerator, stove and washer/dryer. One off street parking space. No pets allowed, but we have 3 dogs and a cat that would love to meet you:o))
I know from personal experience that staging rentals will attract wonderful tenants. I have beautiful photos to post on line and the guest house looks warm and welcoming in person. Since the majority of Los Angeles home buyers and renters are searching on line for the perfect place to live, the photos of my guest house are sure to stand out and attract lots of positive attention.
Yes, smart landlords and property managers do hire a professional home stager to stage Los Angeles rental property. I’m proof positive.
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